So, here it is. The Photo Blog.
I've had a website for quite a while and have changed it around a number of times. Originally, I thought of it like most anybody else would - as a sort of permanent collection where friends, collectors, and clients could purchase fine art photography prints, look at samples of my work to get an idea of wedding photography, and see photography prices for prints, events, and photo sessions. As I was creating the website and organizing images and pages into themes, I began to think of it more as an online gallery, where I could swap out art and continually post new projects. That didn't work out as I had envisioned due to template and design issues that made things too cumbersome so I added a blog, where I would announce exhibits, updates, sales, and maybe just my thoughts and opinions on occasion. Now, I'm back to the original idea -- I'm just going to use my website as a landing ground -- a sort of permanent collection.
And so what will I use this for?