Sunday, November 13, 2011

FFF Weekend on the Sidelines Finale

If you've seen recent posts, you know that I sat out FFF. And made silly little videos of myself grooving out to great songs in the car after my drop-offs or before my pick-ups (I had a nice routine going - after drop-off & before pick-up: random and whimsical wandering adventures and relaxation around Austin ... OK, one more pick-up). 

I dropped Mike off at FFF in the early afternoon on Saturday and ended up downtown. After cruising around for a bit then taking a rest stop at City Hall, I crossed the street to go down by the water, on the other side of the Colorado River from FFF. The music (mainly bass!) floated through the air along with cheers from the crowd. The sound was pretty thrilling. Austin is awesome.

I walked along the water's edge, checking out the plants and trees until I crept up on this tattered building. Whenever I discover this kind of abandoned building, I approach it slowly, with fear - and adrenaline - I suppose. I imagine rabid, drug-addicted squatters inside and slowly push the door open anyway:  
Light Switches and Gems
Creepy Flyer
Yeah, why not?!
Awesome weekend. Awesome city. I love Austin! I mentioned in my first FFF Weekend on the Sidelines post that I ended up getting a wild hair and going on the last day so check back soon! I'm really excited about one shot and one shot only.

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